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Academic Bulletin

Smoke Free Campus

Writer Administrator Date Created 2018.09.13 조회수806

Dear all students, staff and faculty,


It is a notice from Incheon Global Campus Foundation.

Since IGC campus is a facility for educational purposes, smoking is prohibited in all inside and outside areas in IGC campus. According to the [Share Property Use Permit], [Guidelines for Facilities Management] and [National Health Promotion Act], we would like to pay special attention to make our campus clean and pleasant. So, please all the students and staffs follow the rules. 


We will make all the area of campus as a smoke-free; however, we will allow people to smoke ONLY in the designated smoking booth. If you get caught smoking in a non-smoking area, you will be fined up to 100,000 KRW.


Please find the 2 places on campus where you can smoke in the attached map. Thank you for your cooperation.