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Museum Opening Exhibition: Art of the in-between

작성자Administrator REG_DATE2018.06.18 조회수269

June 18, 2018 – December 31, 2018

Art of the In Be-tween SUNY Korea Museum of Modern Costume KMMC Collection Art of the In Be-tween GRAND OPENING JUNE 18, 2018 / 17:30 SUNY Korea FIT state University of New York


1. Balloon Dress ‘The Land of Glorious Morning’

   1987 Sul Yun Hyoung

   'The Land of Glorious Morning' is a dress created with various colored materials in quilting technique.

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2. Thread Dress 'Festival'

   1997 Robert Hillestad

   Dress in form of skein undone freely.

   ‣Entry from Gwangju Biennale

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3. Metal Two-piece ‘Life’  

   1997 Rubina 

   Hearts are shattered from anxiety driven from disasters, hopes are lost in environmentally-polluted future, and industrialization leaves us empty. Piece asks viewers what is our true face in endless time being. 

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