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NOTICE: SUNY Korea Protocol for Positive COVID-19 Case in Residence Halls

Writer Administrator Date Created 2022.08.05 조회수506

Dear Students, 
This is to inform you regarding the SUNY Korea Protocol for Positive COVID-19 Case in Residence Halls. Please refer to the following protocol and attachment. 
The University is committed to providing a caring campus living experience for our residents that promotes healthy living.
As part of our efforts, SUNY Korea has taken the following necessary actions to establish enhanced safety practices in line with KCDC recommendations.
All IGC Housing residents are encouraged to carefully review the attached 'SUNY Korea Protocol for Positive COVID-19 Case in Residence Halls'.
Just remember 'Triple I's!

Step 1: Inform 

Inform Student Services (student@sunykorea.ac.kr) as soon as you receive the positive test result


Step 2: Isolate

Isolate in the room until an off-campus quarantine has been organized (must leave campus within 24 hours)


Step 3: Implement 

Implement a quarantine plan (Note: Students are responsible for organizing their own quarantine and should have a plan on what they will do in case they are confirmed).

If you have any difficulty in arranging an off-campus quarantine facility, please contact us.
Thank you.

Best regards,