- Two electronic files of each submitting documents (one (1) in editable format (MS PowerPoint, MS Word, Hansoft, etc.) and one (1) in PDF format)
- Strategic Planning Team will respond to all received emails for confirmation of the proposal submission via planning@sunykorea.ac.kr.
- Proposers are encouraged to confirm via phone with Strategic Planning Team after email submission of your proposal.
- Please refer to RFP for more information.
V. Important Notice
① Proposals should be submitted within the deadline and late submissions shall not be accepted for review.
② Proposers shall submit a final and completed copy of their proposals with required supplementary documents by the deadline and incomplete document shall not be accepted for review.
③ Submitted proposals will be not returned and any misleading or false information provided in the proposal shall result in elimination of the firm from evaluation/selection process, or if discovered after the selection process, the contract with the selected firm shall be terminated and the firm shall bear all associated compensation or liability.
④ Please refer to the RFP for detail guidelines and required documents for participation, and any cost for preparation of proposals shall be borne by the proposers.
VI. Evaluation Criteria/Negotiation Process
① The Request of Proposals will be evaluated based on the prescribed evaluation criteria and SUNY Korea will start negotiating with the highest total score as a preferred candidate.
② Proposers must receive a minimum of 70 points for further considerations and review.
③ Please refer to the detail information about evaluation criteria and process in the RFP.
VII. Others
① All submitted documents shall be original only but if necessary, only certified true copy is acceptable.
② The information included in the documents (bidding application, business license, court registry certificate, etc.) should be authentic and consistent with the supplementary documents.