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High Intermediate Writing Academic English
Text code : WAE 192 / Credit : 3
  • 전제조건 A score of 1.5 on the writing assessment or ii) a grade of C or better in WAE 190

The purpose of the course is to provide students with writing experiences designed to help them express ideas effectively in sentences and paragraphs. It strives to develop students' writing skills through the use of the dictionary, practicing structures of written English, and learning to edit in preparation for advanced editing in WAE 194. To accomplish these goals, students work on expanding their English competence on the sentence level, work on expanding their vocabulary through reading and use of the dictionary, work on strategies that promote independence and editing of their writing and complete many short writing assignments. Grammar proficiency tests are administered throughout the semester. These tests emphasize the use of particular grammatical points in the context of a creative effort on the part of the student. A final exam is administered that is judged by a committee composed of PAE professors. The committee decides if the student possesses the skills necessary to succeed in WAE 194. A through F grading only. The Pass/No Credit option may not be used.

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